Valérie Naulleau Painter and decorator. The art of trompe l'oeil, the attention to detail, allows you to enter the world of illusion. Welcome to this world, from color or material compositions to panoramas, the decorations are created and made with brushes according to my inspiration or your desires. Valérie Naulleau born in 72, […]
LAUNCH OF THE 2020 CULTURAL SEASON “La Porte est Ouverte” This is a first this year, on April 11 the Friends of La Porte Royale have decided to create an event for the launch of the 2020 season. April 11 at 11 a.m. On the program: • Presentation of […]
3 workers from the workshop "in the manner of ..." produced a hundred paintings inspired by the greatest artists of the 20th century such as Miro, Kandinsky, Matisse, Keith Haring, Delaunay, Picasso ...
75ème anniversaire de la libération Spectacles, conférences et expositions thématiques avec accessoires et véhicules d’époque. VENDREDI 1 MAI19H: Spectacle « 39-45 LA LIBÉRATION » Jean-Marc DESBOIS20H30 : « CINÉ-CONFÉRENCE » Jean-Claude BONNIN SAMEDI 2 MAI19H: Spectacle « 39-45 LA LIBÉRATION » Jean-Marc DESBOIS 20H30 : Spectacle « Les sanglots longs des violons » Chanté et conté par SOPHIE APREA.Reconstitution historique […]
Exposition d’Arts Créatifs. Made in Chez Moi et Chez les Décos.
CURRENT ART HAIGHApresents an artistic animation byDany Io SculptorMarbles and Bronzeswww. Each day a different theme in the Guard Room.
La Valise de Poche - Maud Glomot Theater This year, the students of the theater workshop, adult classes of the company La Valise de Poche present the show JUSTICE. At the police station, in court or in prison. From delinquency to resistance. Small areas in big files… theft, hazing, murder, racism, terrorism… of […]
Exhibition of Paintings - Nicole Bracq, Pascal Guillou, Michelle Jégo, Marianne Tremblay, Anne-France Trovato and Jocelyne Shimabukuro. Program :
Les Amuse-Gueules - Théâtre presents 7 female voices. Program :
Le Salon d’Art Plastique de La Rochelle est organisé par mademoiselle Toulouse. Environ 120 œuvres seront présentées au cloître des Dames Blanches. Vernissage le 11 juillet à 10h30, au Cloître des Dames Blanches Programme :